PEAK XOOPS - Re: Minicalendar : underlined days ara one day before the good one in englishin japanese

Re: Minicalendar : underlined days ara one day before the good one

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question Re: Minicalendar : underlined days ara one day before the good one

msg# 1.3
Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 .2 | Posted on 2005/4/15 3:23
plavoie  二等兵   Posts: 3
The problem is quite simple: the Timezone used by piCal is hardcoded in PHP instead of being retreived from xoops property.

Since i'm not a xoops developper, I don't know how to make a clean fix (so it would get the information from the xoops properties). But you are not out of luck, here is the procedure to patch the problem:

- Go in the folder "piCal" under the "modules" folder of your xoops installation.
- Go in the folder "class"
- Retreive (ftp) the file "iCal_parser.php"
- You should see something like:

class iCal_parser
var $week_start_day = 'Sunday' ;
var $timezone = '+0900' ;

- As you guess, change the timezone variable value($timezone) for the one that applied to your location.
var $timezone = '-0500' ;
- Save the file and upload (ftp) it to the same directory (it should replace the file)
- Now retreive (ftp) the file "piCal.php" file
- find the following block of code:

// TimeZone関係
var $server_TZ = 9 ; // サーバのTimezone Offset (単位:時間)
var $user_TZ = 9 ; // ユーザのTimezone Offset (単位:時間)

- Change the block for the relevent value for you location. Ex (Quebec/Canada):

// TimeZone関係
var $server_TZ = -5 ; // サーバのTimezone Offset (単位:時間)
var $user_TZ = -5 ; // ユーザのTimezone Offset (単位:時間)

- Save the file and upload (ftp) it to the same directory (it should replace the file)
- Go in the admin of the module and access the "Table Maintenance" section
- The script should detect the timezone change and it will propose to fix it. Do it.
- Your done. You should see the result.

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