PEAK XOOPS - MiniTips: Import from remote to local in englishin japanese

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XOOPS : MiniTips: Import from remote to local
Poster : GIJOE on 2006-07-18 03:44:09 (6514 reads)

in englishin japanese
Do you want to make changes your running site?
You should simulate the changes in your local environment (XSAS etc.), first.

- copy all files other than mainfile.php of remote server into document root of your local XOOPS
- export sql from remote server
- import the sql into local environment

And don't forget issuing the 3 queries into local environment (phpMyAdmin etc).

update (prefix)_users set email='' where uid>1;
delete from (prefix)_xoopsnotifications;
update (prefix)_newblocks set bcachetime=0;

query 1 and 2 protect you from un-preferable notifications.
query 3 makes your development much efficient.

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